Quiet on the home front:
This is the toughest time of year to get anything done. With all the holidays and peoples vacations, very little gets done. A friend, whom I respect, once told me, "Nothing gets done between thanksging and the end of the year."
Since things are so quiet, this is a great time to think about end of year expenses. Anything that you need to buy for your business should be purhcased for tax reasons. Also, many companies who are worried about meeting quaterly goals will defer income to the next calendar year. This strategy allows you not to have to pay taxes on the income for 14 months.
One of the main reasons business fail is due to lack of accounting and proper filing with the government. I can't say this enough. Get professional help. It is worth the dollars spent. A payroll company is imperitive. We use ADP.
1 comment:
this is good advise
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