Thursday, February 16, 2006

Coming together:

Sometimes it takes mass amounts of thoughts to come to a single simple conclusion. Simple solutions are often the reduction a complex starting point. This takes time and energy to get everyone on the same page, and to buy in.

Today we had a great session. A uniform epiphany which each member of the team has bought into. A simple solution to an overriding problem of providing to many solutions to an even larger universe. This new vision is clear, until today it had been hidden beneath the clouds of past ideas.

Letting old ideas or products influence tomorrows decisions is a weak point in the armor of our bigger competitors. Sometimes, we too, allow a prior decision to influence future ones even though it clearly should not. It reminds me of the classic example of red and black on roulette. The chance of either color coming remains the same regardless of past outcomes. This is a lesson that I learn over and over.


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