Monday, February 06, 2006

More Progress:

Part of the problem of being on the Internet is that we are looking for everything to be done yesterday. We are still making lots of progress and we have a target launch date for of Feb 14 (Yes I know is valentine's day.) I do not expect the initial site to be all that pretty, however, it will have the functionality that sets us apart.

I have heard the phrase Web 2.0. When they mention this they mean all the companies who have been able to weather the storm and are now profitable as dot coms. I call these companies dot brawns. They are legitimate companies who use the Internet to make our lives simpler. EBay, Amazon, and monster are a few who have made the transition and changed the way we do and think about business.

I started to spill the beans about, but changed my mind. About a week from now I will paint the entire picture.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came over to and your blog via Kevin Clark's recent post about Rails best practices. Keep up the great work with blogging about your startup! It is inspirational. I look forward to seeing your initial launch next week :)
