Tuesday, July 10, 2007

iPhone Lessons and the 90% Rule:

I am so impressed with the iPhone. I am even more impressed with the business decisions that must of led up to the launch. The iPhone is clearly missing some simple functionality (no cut and paste, single recipient sms etc.), but, core to Apple's business strategy they pushed it out the door. Apple has consistently used this as a business strategy. They did it with iPod and many iterations of their operating system. There users become their willing and vocal beta testers (I realize that includes me here.) There is no better way to stay ahead of the competition than having your technology stay ahead by pushing it early.

I have always loved this strategy and use it in my business. People will forgive lack of perfection for substantial innovation! We operate on the 90% rule. When we get a product to 90% of completion we push it out the door. We want the 90% to be as error free as possible. The last 10% is the most difficult part to complete and can be the most frustrating.

Why 90%? We get user input, we get so see what functionality that users are using and we get it faster. Many times it leads us to change direction and focus on those areas that can deliver the best bang for you buck.

In the online world, I believe that we will only get to 100% when we run out of ideas.


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