Thursday, May 04, 2006

Great Minds Think Alike...

I had the fortune of meeting a fellow entrepreneur on a recent trip to adtech in San Francisco. He created and sold a business to a major online player. He poured his heart into it and took care of the people he worked with to make it happen. We had much to talk about and found that we had a lot in common. Our business practices of empowering a team and understanding the hedgehogs that make our businesses go.

What was even better was that he challenged to think deeply about venture capital and all that it entails. We spoke of the benefits and the problems. But the best part was that he drilled down into what Mingle's real needs are. He did not let me off the hook with high level answers. It was a great session. What I think was most important was being able to chat with someone who has no agenda and a similar mind set. I think this helped clarify some business strategies. It is important to find people of like minds to challenge you.
