Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Any new business needs a headquarters. It is one of the most exciting steps of starting a business. You get to look at space that might work... space that won't work and space that is just right. You never know how much space to get. You have an idea, you hope the business will do well and you will need more, but you don't want to over commit. More space means more dollars..

The other thing to watch out for about getting space is the length of the contact. Buildings want very long terms, 5 to 10 years. I believe in buying someone's misery, it usually comes cheap. Since in the begining, you don't know how much space you need it makes sense to sublet. You can usuallly get a 30% discount and much shorter terms. Also if you do not require TI's(tennant improvements) you canmove in very fast.

I would recomend using a broker that does not represent the building. If in San Diego, Mike Gallagher at Irving Hughes. Email me if you would like his contact information.


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