Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Plan for Failure Deal with Success:

This may sound contrary to much of what is taught in business schools, but, in a startup failure is sometimes good for business.

Failure is close to absolute, success has many levels. It is thought to pick a direction when you are close to successful. Many close to successful companies spend a lot of time and energy trying to figure it out. Furthermore, additional changes in direction may lead down the path to failure, and more than money you have wasted time.

In my humble opinion, applying just enough grease($$$) to get the job done is what it takes to in a startup. If you fail, you know not to tread on those waters, if you are successfully you know where to apply more grease.

My strategy is to take several small shots in the dark that will either endear me to a customer or get me kicked out of the arena. Many times you will do both, with CampusDirt.com we angered some schools and endeared ourselves to students. But either way, you know you have something or not.

Dealing with success is its own slippery slope. Succeed to fast and every Tom, Dick and Harry will be on your coattails. Go to slow and never get critical mass to scale. I personally love to be on the edge of complete chaos. This is absolute startup 101, controlling the chaos of the daily changing wind. Success is fun to deal with, the problems that arise are not insurmountable because as long as you are successful there will be people to help.


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