Monday, January 30, 2006

Question of the day:

I received a question from a startup blog reader. They said that they had received a lot of value out of the blog and wanted to know how to help. After ruling out the fact that this might be a family member, I figured I would answer....

We need alpha members! Please follow this link and complete a profile. The more people that do this the better! Plus if you do, you will earn a nifty "badge" which says you are an Alpha member on your profile.

And that's not all, soon we will begin a contest for a Fully Loaded Ipod! that's right anyone who is an alpha member will get a chance for a brand new Ipod with 1,000 songs! Additionally, you can earn additional entries in the contest for referring other people who become members.

So there it is, help a brother out and get a chance to win a Fully Loaded Ipod!


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